Compression-Molded Accessories
For a more comfortable and safe bathing experience, add ergonomically-designed accessories.
For a more comfortable and safe bathing experience, add ergonomically-designed accessories.
Material: Compression-molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 15" W x 4-5⁄16" D x 22" H
Model #: SWACRS2215
Material: Compression-Molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 5-3⁄4" W x 11" H
Model #: SWACSS7211
Material: Compression-Molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 4 3⁄4" W x 4 3⁄4" D
Model #: SWSACCES2
Material: Compression-molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 145" W x 10" D * Includes 1⁄4" eased front edge
Material: Compression-molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 3-3⁄4" W x 1⁄4" D x 72" H
Model #: SWACTK0372
Material: Compression-molded Solid Surface
Dimensions: 48" W x 48" D x 96" H
Model #: SWS484896